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"Misturar Cores e Padrões sem Medos" - Artigo Homify

O trabalho da Casa Velha foi publicado num artigo na Homify no dia 26 Janeiro 2022.
Veja o que escreveram sobre o nosso trabalho e os nossos artigos.




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  • Guest (Mary Lee)

    My younger sister was not interested in reading books at all until we visited this exhibition. It was an experience full of positive emotions and great impressions. The most important fact is that the event aroused her interest in reading, though I didn't expect it to happen.

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  • Guest (Michael jenkins)

    My son had a lot of fun at the exhibition - he took photos of his favorite book heroes, read some short stories by young yet exceptionally talented authors and had a good time at the CBE's playground. It was a perfect opportunity to spend our free time and learn something new.

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